Therapeutic Assessments

Help with life’s challenges

Many times patients and couples need help getting unstuck in life. The ups and downs of life can leave us feeling unsure of how to move forward. Therapeutic assessments are a powerful way to get the help you need. Therapeutic assessments typically involve collaborating with a psychotherapist as an individual or as a couple to help you identify the areas of struggle and what changes may need to be made. 
Patients walk away from this work making productive changes to their lives and feel empowered to continue the results at home. 
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During your assessment you can expect to work with a clinician who will help you underline the core issues you wish to work on and any concerns or problems you may wish to discuss. Your clinician will then determine which tests may be appropriate to help understand the emotional and cognitive systems at play and finally make recommendations to help you overcome any challenges. To speak with a clinician in more detail, please contact us to get all your questions answered.